Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Grins & Squiggles: Apples & Worms

Last night, we met for our first Grins & Squiggles of the school year. WOW, we had a fantastic turnout!

After we shook our sillies out, we read Ten Apples Up On Top!, and then did some apple & worm finger plays. Once we were finished, the kids practiced their cutting and gluing skills, making apple trees with construction paper and dot paint. We had a worm factory (aka play doh station) and some worm coloring pages, too!

We had a light snack of green apples, juice, and cheese "worms", and then headed outside for playground play and the most exciting part of the night for the kids- our "animal visitors"...

Remember, Grins & Squiggles is a GREAT opportunity for the kids to try things they may not have the opportunity to try at home! :)

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